Saturday16feb 1029pm...
Finally got home phew! Went out for the whole day today.. simple but fun(; but the day seem to run out pretty fast zzz Okay okay skip subject.. Haiz still hav touched on any homework yet including music english chinese or havent study for my tests yet.. zzz tired.. Guess i'll hav to stay up tonight to complete them.. well lets jus slack for the time being hahz(; ps: next location's zoo (; |
Adeline Chin yu Claire Camy Cherlyn Eeron Jasmine Huijun Huishia Michelle(; My sis (real life..) Pangyi Rachel Ruiling Weigin Yanning My Class!! 3Hm.. |
Born on 12 of oct 1992
Pretty slacky person who loves lofting around and mocking other people..
hahz what can i say? I love these!!