Saturday 15march 946am...
Mornin everyone! its early in the mornin woke up earlier than this but didn feel like blogging.. well havin my theory external exams this afternoon and i'm not prepared for it zzz hope everythin turns out good? hahz can de la.. Yep yepz well..goin to mug a little on theory le(; Bye eveyone(; |
Adeline Chin yu Claire Camy Cherlyn Eeron Jasmine Huijun Huishia Michelle(; My sis (real life..) Pangyi Rachel Ruiling Weigin Yanning My Class!! 3Hm.. |
Born on 12 of oct 1992
Pretty slacky person who loves lofting around and mocking other people..
hahz what can i say? I love these!!