Yawz tired..
Late at night.. Spent alot of time figuring the cbox thingy for posting comments and now pretty much dead liao.. Yawnz.. love to look at the ceiling at night while lying on my bed.Pretty amazing and i'll start thinkin about all sorts of things..these chances of ceiling glazing are hard to come by i guess..who would spare time at night looking at the ceiling?hahz.. Well..guess i'll head to sleep by endin this post.. Hope tomorrow would be a better day?!though there's tuition and music lessons on.. |
Adeline Chin yu Claire Camy Cherlyn Eeron Jasmine Huijun Huishia Michelle(; My sis (real life..) Pangyi Rachel Ruiling Weigin Yanning My Class!! 3Hm.. |
Born on 12 of oct 1992
Pretty slacky person who loves lofting around and mocking other people..
hahz what can i say? I love these!!