Night again..
Dark and scary.. Hmm..it seems that i only post when it's nightime huh? lolz night's good relaxing and quiet..not to mention the occasional cricket noises hahz everything's pretty much fine.. Yepz promised to start work today and i really did. Well did my english and my english and my english..haiz alright..only touched on my english work only but what can i say? I'm SLOW! |
Adeline Chin yu Claire Camy Cherlyn Eeron Jasmine Huijun Huishia Michelle(; My sis (real life..) Pangyi Rachel Ruiling Weigin Yanning My Class!! 3Hm.. |
Born on 12 of oct 1992
Pretty slacky person who loves lofting around and mocking other people..
hahz what can i say? I love these!!