Sunday 28oct 1111pm..
Haiz today, tonight, was a disaster... Felt pretty low in spirits..donno why though... Night's cooling..stay up and coop myself in my room throughout the night ba. Hope i won fall asleep..which i think i wouldn.. Jus thinkin of what i should do to keep myself occupied and awake through the night.. Nightz everyone(; though i wouldn b sleepin.. |
Adeline Chin yu Claire Camy Cherlyn Eeron Jasmine Huijun Huishia Michelle(; My sis (real life..) Pangyi Rachel Ruiling Weigin Yanning My Class!! 3Hm.. |
Born on 12 of oct 1992
Pretty slacky person who loves lofting around and mocking other people..
hahz what can i say? I love these!!